Frank and I arrived at the Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City shortly after 5:00pm on
Wednesday, April 29th. Robin picked us up directly from her work and we zotted to get Autumn from day care before its closure at 6:00 pm. The last time we'd seen Autumn was Christmas time. We were pleased that she recognized us and was glad to see Grandma and Grandpa. I am sure Skype helped keep the memory alive the past four months. Isn't it a wonderful invention? Afterward, we went directly for a quick and easy dinner at Panera Bread. By the time we got home it was late enough in the evening that 30 week pregnant Robin was exhausted and it was nearly time for Autumn to go to bed. Frank and I were kind of tuckered out from traveling, too, so our first night there was a short evening.
The next day,
Thursday, April 30th, Robin went to work, Jeremy was still on travel for his job, and Frank and I settled in. Robin used her lunch break to come home, pick up Frank and me and take us out to lunch. We went to
The Stuffed Olive Café and the food was excellent.
A few weeks previous, Jeremy had arranged for the delivery of ten or so cubic yards of rubberized mulch for filling in and cushioning around the play structure in the back yard. It sat in the front driveway since travel for work and poor weather had delayed Jeremy's efforts in removing it. Thursday's weather was sunny and not too windy so Frank busied himself by transporting the mulch wheelbarrowful by wheelbarrowful to the backyard.

It was indeed mulch and not money as the photo suggests, but what with the price of that stuff, coupled with the fact that it just seems to disintegrate, dissipate, and disperse, it might as well be shoveling disposable dollars onto the ground. Frank made ten piles in the area around the swings, slide, and climbing structure. Jeremy is a bit of a perfectionist and Frank wanted to defer to him for spreading it out and leveling it as he saw fit. And admittedly, in a small way, Frank wanted to reap a few kudos for having done the job of carting it all to the backyard. Well, best laid plans of mice and men... When Robin brought Autumn home from daycare Thursday she wanted to go out to the backyard and swing before dinner. Once out there, near the play structure, what did Autumn discover? Joy of joys! Dang, but those ten piles were fun to jump in and throw up in the air and fling all over! You get the picture. So much for ten neat and tidy piles. Too bad Frank did not take a picture first.
Friday May 1, 2015 Frank and I got up leisurely. Jeremy returned from his Texas travels mid-day. We went out to lunch with him at
City Bites. This eatery has "off the wall" decor. The front of the building has trompe l'oeil cracks in the facade. The inside sports the blood hungry plant Audrey II from
Little Shop of Horrors curling her way through the dining area. The rest rooms are revealing. One tall narrow window permits the user of the facilities a full view out into the dining area while he is otherwise indisposed. Presumably it is a one way mirror... I hope? Weird, I know, but the food was very good.
After lunch we stopped at the grocery store for some items I wanted in order to make dinner. Once home again, Frank and Jeremy surveyed projects Jeremy wanted to work on with Frank's help during our visit and I cooked. That evening after dinner we opened up the suitcase of gifts Grandma and Grandma had brought – some Gymboree clothes, a
Chevrolet car quilt, a
pirate pillowcase, Frozen and Rainbow Brite and sticker books, and a retro wall fire alarm for Jeremy that we bought at an antique store in Niles Canyon, CA.
We also brought a pair of pink and blue pinstriped engineer train caps for Autumn and her little brother-to-be, happened upon at a train show in Sacramento, CA.
We brought food items too such as the chocolate covered almonds and the packets of trail mix that our Costco carries that are not to be found in Oklahoma. Robin claims that Walmart has too much of a stronghold in Oklahoma to allow a Costco in. The most unique food request of all was Svenhard's Raisin-ette buns to assuage Robin's pregnant cravings. Apparently these danishes are not available in Oklahoma so I bought three variety packs of 30 buns each in California – yes close to 100 buns – in order to get her 1½ dozen Raisinettes. Talk about motherly love...
Saturday, May 2nd was the first full day we had together free of travel and work commitments. I had a whole slew of Gymbucks burning a hole in my pocket that I had to spend that weekend or lose. Gymbucks are a kind of coupon that gives $25 off for every $50 spent at Gymboree kids clothing. With the outlet having a 40% off sale, this really amounts to big savings. Robin and I headed out to be there when they opened at 10:00am and spent about two hours selecting clothes for Autumn, Vivian, and baby-boy to be.
While we were driving Robin spotted a sign for a toy, doll, and train show at the fairgrounds. We called Frank to see if he was interested and he most certainly was. We joined up with Frank, Jeremy, and Autumn and spontaneously headed there next.
Immediately upon entering the show, off to the right was a vendor who had a child-size table and two-chair set that he was selling since his own children had outgrown it. Robin and Jeremy had been contemplating a table for Autumn so we snapped it up. Remember
Goldilocks and the Three Bears? For Autumn this chair was not too big and not too small. It was
just right!
The antique dolls and toys were not too enticing, but Autumn loved watching the train displays.
I had fun catching her and corralling her when she ran around and she enjoyed being caught.
Between the shopping and the show, the day kind of got away from us but we had fun and enjoyed the outings.
Sunday, May 3rd we had originally planned to go to Bricktown in downtown Oklahoma but opted instead for the guys to work on projects. They had not gotten as much done on Saturday as they would have liked. We went to an 11:00 church service and then had lunch at McCallister's Deli, eating at their outdoor patio. I had a marvelous Pecanberry salad with blueberries, strawberries, pecans, and chicken.
Autumn scarfed down their Mac & Cheese, served with applesauce. Come to think of it, she scarfs down anybody's macaroni and cheese. She borrowed Grandpa's hat to keep the sun out of her eyes. What an odd pairing – Donald Duck meets My Little Pony.
Once back home, it was nose to the grindstone on projects for the guys. They installed a fan and light combination on the dining room ceiling, fixed some railing on the front porch, and tried to quiet a helicopter-like bathroom fan. Autumn spent the time in earnest play. Of course, all those seed pods and mulch remains are an excellent diversion on the front driveway.
Once indoors, Grandma and Autumn amused themselves by seeing if they could each hold a round puzzle piece in their mouth while Grandma took a duo-selfie.
The puzzle pieces came from the
"6" and the
"9" of Autumn's floor puzzle play mat. A little dirt never hurt anyone. Grandma did not set a very good example, but Mommy was busy elsewhere and did not see.
It was a fun weekend and we could still look forward to two more days of visiting.