The front cover really bugs me about this and other books in the series. The book is titled after a quilt pattern. The cover of the book has a quilt on it. Wouldn't it make eminent sense to have the picture on the cover be a quilt in the same pattern as the book title? Perhaps this might even educate the readership, quilting and non-quilting. A drunkard's path pattern is made up of square with a quarter circle of a contrasting fabric inset in the corner. A complementary square with the two colors reversed is also sewn. The following sample block is made up of sixteen such squares in a classic arrangement. The crooked path they form is like that of a staggering person who has had too much to drink and is a bit tipsy.
Those quarter-circle squares can be oriented in a myriad of ways. This quilt below shows twelve different options. See if you can pick out how those quarter-circle squares were arranged in each case.
I did check the third and fourth books in the series out of the library. They became overdue and I renewed them but not before accruing a fine I had to pay. I still have not read these books and they are due again. I think this may be word from above that I should give up on this series, at least for now. I will be returning The Double Cross and The Devil's Puzzle unopened. The cover photos do not match the title quilts anyway.
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