Sunday, February 18, 2024

Legally Blonde Musical

Saturday, January 27th, Frank and I went to the musical Legally Blonde at our local theatre, the Bankhead. The performance was fun and high energy. We couldn't understand a fair amount of the lyrics for songs sung by the company, but the emotions and intensity came across and made us smile. Individual solos were much clearer and more distinct. Full lyrics can be found on line, for those curious enough to look at them. The plot of the musical followed the movie closely and the songs furthered the plot line and defined character roles.


We enjoyed the musical enough that when we got home from the matinee performance, we located the movie Legally Blonde (2001) itself and re-enjoyed it that evening. Reese Witherspoon, as the ditsy blonde lead, proved that blondes can be quite intelligent and responsible even if they do like wearing pink and high heels, having their nails polished just so, and styling their hair to be picture perfect.


A few days later we watched the movie Legally Blond 2 (2003). What a waste! The movie is an ode to women's naivety, ditsy-ness, and dumb idiosyncracies. Where Legally Blonde supported the important role women are capable of demonstrating in society, Legally Blond 2 negates all that positive image building. Plus, Sally Fields plays the bad guy. That is totally inappropriate for Gidget and the Flying Nun.


1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen the musical, but I bet it was a blast! I have the first song playing on Amazon Music as I type now (Yay Alexa!) and I see what you mean about not being able to understand most of the words. A few of the lines I *do* understand are cracking me up, though.

    It is a Bummer that Legally Blonde 2 isn't very good, though: it was on my "to watch" list, but if it basically reverses all the feminist point it made in #1, then that's depressing. I guess not all sequels can be Toy Story 2, though.
