Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Finally... A Wander Post!

Since the pandemic I have noticed my Wander or Ponder posts have been mostly ponder posts, typically book reviews. We have been doing very little wandering. We got out yesterday! Frank drove me to get my flu shot at Kaiser's drive-thru option at their Dublin facility. We got on line. It was longer than we expected. Look in our rear view mirror. See that small blue tent with the guard standing by it? Next to him is a sign that says 60 minute wait from this point. If I closed my eyes I could imagine I was at Disneyland with its well-tuned skill at crowd control and queue management. Even the line followed a serpentine path.

Frank and I learned our car communication skills well from Dan and Robin. Each of them generally calls us to catch up when they are driving somewhere. They use Frank and me as alternative entertainment to pass the time while they are en route or sitting in traffic. This time we called Robin and learned all about her house re-roofing bids and kitchen re-flooring projects. A-ha! Time passes quickly. We are now approaching the 15 minute mark. My cell phone was flashing low battery @ 3%.

I got my shot without ever exiting our vehicle. (Frank had gotten his a few days earlier when he was in Livermore facility for an a eye appointment.) It was quick and I hardly felt it at all. Plus we had an outing!

Since mid-March we have been ordering our groceries and paying in advance online with a curbside pickup appointment; the clerk puts the bags directly in our trunk. I pick out books from our library and place them on hold in my online account there. Again, with an appointment, I drive up and an aide puts the brown paper bag with books in it directly in the trunk of my car. I secretly giggle that it could discretely contain banned books. I drop off the books I've read in their curbside drop, much like a mail box but silver colored instead of red, white, and blue. I do get out of my car here, since the drop is located on the passenger side.

We generally sit out back on our deck each afternoon/evening but that was curtailed this past week due to the poor air quality and ashes from the fires. The week before the heat kept us indoors.

As I write this it is 3:00 in the afternoon, our skies are blue and sunny and the temperature a mild 90°, quite pleasant in the shade with a breeze. As soon as our roofers leave in a bit, we will have quiet, too. We will enjoy what we can while awaiting another opportunity to wander once again.

1 comment:

  1. My how "wandering" has changed for you six months - from trips with friends to new cities and visits with family to the car flu shot line. I admit that even I was excited to get out and get my flu shot, mostly because it gave me something to do and somewhere to go. Although there's no way I would have waited for over an hour in a car line (plus the drive to get there!)! I made an appt. for the girls and myself at CVS and we walked in, got poked, got lollipops, and walked out in minutes! Dan will do the same this weekend and William will get his at his 2.5 year well child check up.
