Tuesday, July 12th – travel day
Frank and I left in the early morning to be at the airport a couple hours before our 9:30 am flight.

The sky still had a pinkish tinge to it that was kind of pretty. Along the way we passed this HUGE piece of equipment. I am not sure quite what it was but it was big and the crating was very creative.
We pulled alongside and I still didn't have a clue as to what it was but it was impressive that such a long hefty object was tooling along down the highway.
As we passed the truck that was hauling it, I took one last photo in the rear view mirror.
I was reminded of that scene from Jurassic park when the main characters are racing along in a jeep being pursued by a dinosaur.

We arrived at the airport with adequate time to spare – too early in Frank's opinion but just right for me. He humors me, otherwise I stress out. We are getting better at our traveling procedure since we have been doing more of it now that we are retired. We mare not making exotic trips to far off foreign lands, but rather mostly family visits. That is what we like and enjoy. I pack gifts and stuff for the kids so we do not travel light on the way out. For example Robin loves these Svenhard's buns and they are not available in Oklahoma, at least not near her. They can be ordered on Amazon at the bargain price of $36.50 a tray of 30 or $124 for a carton of four trays; but, whoop-de-doo, shipping is free. I buy them at our local grocery store, can fit three trays in a suitcase with other stuff, and Southwest Airlines does not charge for the first two suitcases per person. Once there we can toss the buns in the freezer for them to enjoy even after we've returned home.

Once at the airport, Frank drops me off at the curb and I rent a Smarte Carte for all our paraphernalia. We load it and I get in the line to check our luggage while he parks the car. No more hauling baggage from the far out boonies of the parking lot. He just walks back unfettered and more quickly without me. By the time he gets to the counter I am already at the head of the line and have often let other travelers pass by me. The rental fee is well worth the convenience. At least this time we did not also bring a carseat in its specialized back pack like we did for our May visit to SoCal. We had a fourth suitcase instead for Oklahoma.

Our flight was uneventful and our transfer in Las Vegas went off without a hitch, even though it was Las Vegas with all its wedding chapels (groan ... two thirds of a pun... hitch ... P.U.) We arrived at Robin's house about a half hour before she and Jeremy got home from work. I heard the fornt door key and hid behind the couch. I leaped out and hollered "boo!" when Robin, Autumn, and Isaiah walked in the door. A huge grin spread across Autumn's face as she yelled "Grandma!" in return. Isaiah was not so thrilled but within a half hour I was forgiven and allowed to hold and cuddle him. Dinner, some chit chat, and a bit of horseplay with the kids was about all we did before bedtime that first night.
Wednesday, July 13th - settling in
This was the trip of big equipment. We awoke the next morning to the Cox cable company upgrading its lines directly across the street from Robin and Jeremy. Their street is not very wide and when another of these rigs arrived it had to park on the other side of the road offset from the first. Drivers down their street had to slalom their way through. They were there about half the week.

Once Robin and Jeremy arrived home from work and Autumn and Isaiah were home from day care we opened up the extra suitcases we had brought. Never mind what was in them, Isaiah liked the suitcase itself. He parked himself amidst the Pottery Barn shark towels and alligator totes.
Thursday, July 14th - demos of prowess
The next morning Isaiah demonstrated what a climber he was. No part of this rocker fire engine was inaccessible for him and he was fearless in all his poses on this moving target o a ride-on vehicle.
Autumn was willing to let Grandma style her long hair into Elsa braids (from Frozen) and she modeled her flamingo outfit for the day.
That day Jeremy refreshed the batteries in Isaiah's pirate ship and he trolled around on it, more so with renewed interest since it kept spewing out the sound effects of a honking horn, a firing cannon, and voicing phrases such as "Ahoy, Maties."
We opened one of his birthday presents a toy called Spin Again by Fat Brain Toys. Gears in graduated sizes stacked on a spiral grooved central post. They spin as they descend. Autumn liked it. Isaiah did too except that his method of play was to bang and beat everything he could with the central white post. Boys are definitely different.
Later on Autumn was testing out if she could fill Grandpas's shoes. Isaiah's growth progress had been monitored earlier in the week by more traditional means when Jeremy took him to his one year check up at the pediatrician. The pediatrician's motto is "Food before one is just for fun". He wanted the mainstay of the child's nutrition to come from milk. Isaiah was now cleared for solid foods of any type at all.
Friday, July 15th - casual day
Like mother, like daughter are dressed alike for casual Friday. Jeremy chose Autumn's outfit after he noticed what Robin was wearing. Bummer. Robin was unable to locate her sunglasses until after this photo was taken. She'd just had them in her hand, too! They were found later on the floor of course - where else?
Robin was able to take a couple hours off work at the end of the day and we went to Gymboree. I had $150 worth of Gymbucks burning a hole in my pocket. They had to be spent by the following Sunday or they would become void. For those uninitiated to the grandma apparel shopping world, Gymbucks are accrued on purchases made at a Gymboree store, outlet or mainstream, during a certain time frame. Then several times a year they can be redeemed. They are worth 50% off ALL merchandise – sale, clearance, and new – so savings can be compounded. I have to spend $300 to capitalize on $150 worth of Gymbucks but that is easy to do with four grandkids. And just think, by buying while in Oklahoma I also saved the mailing costs on Autumn's and Isaiah's clothes. It was just Robin and me without the kiddos on a weekday during work hours so we were efficient and fast in our shopping!
That evening, on the eve of his first birthday, Isaiah reminded us that he could have any food type at all. Corn chips... hmm certainly sounds like a good option.
Saturday, July 16th - Isaiah's birthday
Isaiah's birthday party was not until the early evening that day. Just over a dozen guest were invited over for pizza and cupcakes. In the morning Frank and Jeremy began to assemble Isaiah's gift from Frank and me, a Little Tikes Cozy Truck ride on toy. It was not a simple assembly operation.

The partial assembly shows the truck still needing its front axle with wheels and some of its decals.
It reminded of Mater from the Disney Pixar movie Cars

It is all together now but there is one part leftover! Looks like big sister has to check it out to be sure it is safe for little brother.
Isaiah looks pleased when he is introduced to his truck. Every man has got to have a truck! In his right hand he is clutching his favorite sleep aid dubbed The Precious by Robin and Jeremy.
Turns out that leftover part is a floorboard so younger drivers with short legs can have a place to rest their feet while they are being pushed around.
Or that plate can be used to climb out the front window. It appears to be very versatile component.
Isaiah took a nap through about two-thirds of his party. When he awoke it was time for his "smash" cake. He was tentative and did not really get into mooshing it up like some kids do.
Most of the attendees at Isaiah's party were little girls close in age to Autumn. They enjoyed the truck and pushing Isaiah around in it. Note Isaiah is hanging on to that ubiquitous white spiral pounding post from the Spin Again toy.
Playing hard at parties can be exhausting. It is the end of the day and Autumn collapses against Grandpa. Frank looks trapped but I think he secretly loves it.
Fun, fun! What did you guys do during the day while there? I know in the past you've gone to quilt and train shops.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things we did was a nap most days! Aah, felt gooood! But, stay tuned for Part 2.
DeleteIsaiah still *loves* that truck... and now both kids can ride because he has enough balance to sit on the tailgate while we push Autumn around in the main compartment. Also, he loves putting up the tailgate and filling it with toys, which we then cannot find. These photos make the day *look* totally relaxing, though, mostly because no-one took pictures of all the cleaning (and window pickup) that went on before the party!