Friday, July 24, 2015

Isaiah Is Here!

Isaiah Thomas made his appearance into this world on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 10:09 am, weighing in at 9 lb 1 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. Mom and babe are doing well.

Robin had gone in to work Wednesday morning, the day before Isaiah was born, and left shortly after lunch. She'd had mild contractions in the afternoon that stopped and then resumed in the late evening. She and Jeremy left for the hospital shortly after midnight while Frank and I stayed with Autumn until daycare opened 6:00 am the next morning. Then we joined Jeremy at the hospital. Jeremy and I were both present in the delivery room with Robin for the actual birth. Proceedings were pretty normal until the final pushes when Isaiah's head was out but one of his shoulders was stuck under Robin's pubic bone. Staff was anticipating this possibility with a big baby and Jeremy and I had been pre-warned to stand back if it occurred. The head of Robin's bed was flipped flat. A nurse climbed on top of Robin's belly to externally manipulate and guide that little shoulder onto the correct exit route commanding Robin to really, really, push, push, PUSH! Those final moments were a bit scary but the delivery team really knew their stuff. And Robin calmly told me afterward that "I knew, Mom, with his size, that dystocia could be an issue." Well, my vocabulary has sure been expanded.

When the nurses brought Isaiah back to Robin they routinely checked to make sure that the mother and baby identifying wristbands matched. He was sleeping at the time. Robin joked that she did not care if this baby was hers. "He is a sleeper, so I will keep him!" she quipped. Autumn was not a sleeper... no way, no time, no how... and continues that characteristic to this day. Robin and Isaiah came home from the hospital on Saturday. So far Autumn will bring her little brother toys and announce,"Uh, oh. Isaiah is crying".

Frank has returned to CA but I am staying on until mid-next week to be an extra set of hands. When I have a bit more leisure time I plan to post more about our visit.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Isaiah! Now if only I could learn how to spell his name! For some reason, that's a hard one for me. Anyways, congrats on your first grandson!
