Saturday, July 16, 2016

Ponder Post: Alex Turns 30

Alex turned thirty this year! Unlike some folks when they hit this milestone, Alex had no distress or dismay or trepidation - just pure joy.

Alex's birthday, May 26th, fell on a Thursday this year. On the Friday night immediately following, his home had their ritual annual party for him as they do for each of their clients. There was karaoke singing and general frivolity at the rather noisy, boisterous event. Here is a closeup of his special, individualized humongous cupcake, immediately after the party goers have sung Happy Birthday to You and Alex has enthusiastically blown out his candles.

I think blowing out the candles is Alex's favorite part of his birthday. Everyone, after singing, has to count with Alex, ONE ...

TWO ...

THREE ... and then wait while he blows out his candles with great glee.

Sometimes Alex milks the moment. He often starts the crowd of spectators counting all over again by prompting, One... On his official birthday the day before, Frank and I had visited and enjoyed a mini celebration. We brought glazed donuts, Alex's favorite, and of course had Alex blow out candles.

We sang and had a gift for him to unwrap.

It was a puzzle. We stayed and helped with the assembly for the first time, though, if truth be told I think we slowed Alex down!

Alex's other gift of a Kindle Fire is still with us. We are trying to set it up so he can watch movies on the go. We are struggling with getting the technology to work smoothly though and so we are a long way from giving up those VCR tapes that Alex so loves and can work himself. Alex does not seem to mind. He is content with the status quo. We hope to mark this iconic year for him with a trip to Disneyland later in the season when the temperatures are cooler and the crowds are thinner. He is a very happy soul and that is a pretty great situation for any thirty-year-old to be in. It warrants a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth.



  1. What a fun milestone! I love the "cake," and good for him that he's becoming such a puzzle master. I remember Alex milking the cake countdown years ago, so it's good to know some things never change :-) Congrats to him on turning 30, though, and I hope Disneyland is awesome!

  2. Happy Birthday, Alex! Looking forward to seeing you during your Disneyland celebrations!
