My granddaughter Autumn was awarded The Lion of Lark-Hayes Manor by Audrey Hartman ©2023 as a prize in a reading competition and she showed it to me during her visit early August. She really liked it and highly recommended I read it. I can see why. It was a sweet story that captured the thoughts and mannerisms of a unique and creative eleven year old while being true to a fairytale type plot. The main character Poppy is very much invested in books, so very similar to my two eldest granddaughters, ages ten and eleven, who are also avid bookworms.
The basic plot is that Poppy's parents have careers as renovators of historic home. In touring a dilapidated run down mansion, Poppy hears a voice. Upon investigating, she finds a water nymph pinned in an indoor pool by a piece of large scale construction machinery. Upon freeing the nymph, the "grateful" nymph rewards Poppy by granting her any one wish she desires. Upon careful consideration, Poppy wishes for a lion. As is generally the case with wishes, there are caveats and strings attached which are not revealed in a straightforward manner at the outset.
★★★★★ Great! Read it!
Viv will have to add this to her ever-growing reading list!