Brenda Novak is favorite author of mine but this book, The Bookstore On the Beach ©2021, was a hot mess! Bummer! The title was so inviting, too.
Novak seemed to be undecided about the theme and general plot. There was a woman whose husband had been missing for over 18 months. A romantic interest was thwarted by the potential but improbable return of the missing husband. There was a daughter struggling with her gender identity. There was a pregnant teen. There was a lesbian friend with an abusive, alcoholic father. There was a grown victim who had been kidnapped, raped, and imprisoned as a teen. There was a woman dying of cancer. There was a grown woman longing to know who her father was. There was teenage boy at odds with his teenage sister.Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Ponder: Bookstore on the Beach
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Joan's Pumpkin Patch with Alex
On Sunday, October 15th, Frank, Alex and I visited Joan's Farm and Pumpkin Patch, located on the outskirts of Livermore. This is the second time we have gone here. More details from our first time last fall are in my blog post dated 10/20/22. We knew from experience this time what activities would be a big hit and concentrated on those.

We did pumpkin bowling over and over and over again. I lost count how many times. We pumpkin bowled before a lunch of hot dogs, chips, and pumpkin pie. We pumpkin bowled after lunch. We pumpkin bowled between and after hay rides. Those wrist bands for attractions were definitely a wise choice. Animal visits did not require a ticket and no wrist bracelet was needed. Alex briefly petted a burro before we headed for home.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Pacific Grove Anniversary Trip
For our 48th wedding anniversary, Wednesday September 27th, Frank booked the two of us for two nights at the Seven Gables Inn in Pacific Grove with a scenic view out onto Monterey Bay. We drove down Tuesday, the afternoon before. Within a few blocks, walking distance, is Back Porch Fabrics. Frank knows what keeps me happy. Tuesday evening we strolled to the Beach Hut Restaurant at Lover’s Point where we ate dinner at a table outdoors with a view of the bay and a view of the elaborate Victorian themed house where we were staying.

Beach House Salad
field greens, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, orange segments, dried cranberries, blackberries, crumbled goat cheese, candied pecans, herb-citrus vinaigrette
Sand Dabs Almondine
panko-dusted sand dab filets, blue lake green beans, rice pilaf, lemon beurre blanc, toasted almonds

Here is our snack at little curbside cafe on Lighthouse Avenue and just around the corner from Back Porch Fabrics. Frank tried out gelato and I stuck with a standard favorite, cheesecake. The flowers next to our outdoor sidewalk table were so beautiful I though they were artificial. Nope. They were real.

A few blocks away, down Lighthouse Avenue was larger antique store, The Treasure Grove, (no website but a Facebook page presence) which had a lot of wares to peruse but nothing we wanted to buy and cart home. Whew! We dodged a bullet there.

At the base of the tile mural an inscription reads
The logo illustrated on this mural represents the various habitats of our region. From the bottom, the blue band represents the deep ocean. The lighter blue is coastal waters blending into the green hills. The band at the top repreents the mountains of the coastal rangeGreeting the visitors in the central room downstairs was a life size bear. He had big teeth but seemed to extend a welcome paw.

Then we came across an exhibit called Wonder... and it truly was a wonder! From this poster we realized it was a recently opened attraction.

Here are some of the closeup details that were curiosity arousing gems: diving helmets, old telephones, gramophones, intricately shaped horns, bell jars, cages, lanterns, fancy mirrors. The sheer cacophony of intricate items was inspiring.

Off in one corner was a large collection of vials. I learned this was Sands of the World, each sample catalogued from where it was collected. I counted just shy of 800 samples. Impressive. Sand is not just sand. Look at the variation in colors!

The Monterey Bay Submarine Canyon is an underwater canyon just offshore beginning in Moss Landing in the middle of the Monterey Bay coast. This deep-sea canyon's walls are a mile tall, comparable to the Grand Canyon. At its deepest point, the Monterey Bay Submarine Canyon extends over 2.5 miles deep (12000 ft or 4,000 m) going beyond 290 miles off shore (470) km). It is one of the deepest submarine canyons on the west coast and is unique in how close it is to shore.

As we moved on to another part of the museum we entered what can only be referred to as the bird room. I did not realize there were so many birds of all sizes, from tiny to huge; taxidermy specimens of them were collected and displayed within glass cases throughout this room.

The avian theme extended outside the bird room. There was a wood sculpture suspended from the ceiling showing signs of great craftsmanship and artistry. Signs for the rest rooms also sported bird images.

After a brief rest back at our room - it had to be brief since we spent so much time at the small but fascinating Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History - we went out for our anniversary dinner to an Italian restaurant highly recommended to us, La Mia Cucina, translated from Italian to English as my kitchen. We were seated at an intimate table, off to the left in the photo. I pointed out to Frank that it was odd that an Italian restaurant should have large posters in French decorating the walls of the dining area.