Sunday, August 23, 2020

Alex Bowling

Frank and I have been visiting our son Alex at the St. Denis Home nearly every Sunday since mid-March when the shelter-in-place order was issued. He is not allowed to come and go from his home for fear of contracting Covid or passing it on to the other clients upon his return. He wolfs down the edible treats we bring each week, and I think he comes to expect the carrots we bring for the bunny.  We also try to include  something of interest like a puzzle or other distraction. We sit on the front lawn and read to him via FaceTime or have a "conversation" using staff iPhones or iPads. See post dated 6/23/20.

On our June 28th visit we brought Alex an iPad of his own that Frank's former co-worker Brett generously gave to us. We were permitted to transfer and introduce the iPad to him with masks and social distancing out in his back yard. We had loaded it with a few movies and some of his song favorites. 

The songs especially were a big hit. We usually played those for him in the car on our Sunday outings to the bowling alley or to the occasional show or movie. He loves the iPad and carries it with him all day listening to his music. He can be convinced –  barely–  to give it up reluctantly at bedtime only so it can be recharged. He is like the typical teenager who is glued to his cell phone. 

On most every FaceTime visit, however, the first word Alex greets us with is not Hiya or Mom. It is Bowl. The alleys are closed of course due to the pandemic and even if they were not, Alex is not allowed to come and go from his home for fear of contracting COVID-19 or passing it on to the other clients upon his return. Frank and I found a hardwood lawn bowling set on Amazon and decide to try to fulfill his bowling request at least partially. Because the pins are not foam or formed plastic or inflatable vinyl they have a heftiness to them that  is more like "real" bowling.

On August 16 we asked if we could meet outside once again to introduce Alex to to the bowling set. We were permitted as long as we had our temperature taken, then filled out and signed a wellness questionnaire. That particular Sunday the temperature hit 106°F, even though we waited until 6:00 pm to go there. By some miracle, we still passed the forehead temperature test. We wore masks, social distanced, and wiped off the pins and the bowls with antiseptic wipes whenever they changed hands between Alex and Frank or me. Alex was pretty good about wearing his mask. Occasionally he would tug it down, but, once reminded, he would pull it back up again.

Aah, would that the set came with an automatic pin setter and ball return... !  Frank was the dutiful pin setter. I was the fetcher and retriever of the balls and cleaner of all wooden items that might be touched by multiple people. In 106°F heat, those trivial tasks grew old quickly. I wanted to take some photos of Alex in action but once I retrieved the balls and sanitized them, and as soon as I handed them back to Alex – at arm's length of course – I was never quick enough with my cell phone camera to aim and snap a picture. I can report though, that he did enjoy the down-scaled bowling activity.

We visited for a short while longer but then sent Alex back to the cool indoors and we retreated to our air conditioned car. Staff promised to play with Alex again in the morning when it was not as hot... only in the low 80's if they got out there before 10:00 am.

Today one week later, Sunday August 23, the heat was more tolerable, about 91°F, when we went in the late afternoon. We only dropped off a bag of goodies and FaceTimed very briefly. We could not visit outside because the air quality was unhealthy from all the wild fires. Sigh. We will keep trying. The following air quality meter from our visit today is take from the site With his treats of Hershey Kisses, raisins, and M&M's, oblivious to the challenges of heat and air quality and social distancing, Alex was a happy camper.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so glad that you and Alex have been able to see and spend some real time together! Although...the heat and air quality sound miserable. Here's hoping for a cooler, clearer, healthier Fall!
