Monday, January 13, 2020

While We Were Watching Downton Abbey

I almost forgot about this short little piece of fluff I read in the spring and never blogged about. For those who were fans of the TV Series Downton Abbey , While We Were Watching Downton Abbey ©2013 by Wendy Wax is a cute little reminder. Edward, the concierge at a posh city apartment building in Atlanta, GA, arranges a weekly movie get together on Sunday nights and invites building residents to attend. It is amusing how people with very little in common become fast friends and support each other in their trials. Main characters are Samantha Davis, a married woman who struggles to promote authentic relations with her husband while dealing with two grown financially irresponsible leech-like siblings; Claire Walker, an empty nest widow with writer's block; and Brooke MacKenzie, a young divorcĂ© with two children whose husband dumped her for another woman. Staff at the hotel dress up on those evenings and attempt British accents as they pass around refreshments suitable for the Downton Abbey time period. Discussions after the screenings include references to characters from the TV series so it is fun to recall those characters that were on our own home televisions sets for six seasons. One Sunday night, a questionnaire is handed out and each viewer fills it out. The results pair each viewer with the Downton Abbey character they are most like. Will Edward be most like Mr. Carson? Not necessarily.

While We Were Watching Downton Abbey was light-hearted and had a limited audience, but I enjoyed it. Amazon awarded it four and a half stars but I gave it two stars which in my scale translates to Ok, not great; some redeeming features; I finished it. Only if you are staunch Downton Abby fan and really want something droll and mindless, should you consider buying it or downloading it. To sample the flavor of the book, I offer the opening and one dialogue from Chapter Nine when the first showing of the series began.
OPENING: There was silence as the program ended with Matthew Crawley receiving the fateful message from Lord Grantham. The silence continued as the music swelled and the closing credits began. Then someone, Samantha wasn't sure who, began to applaud. Brooke who hadn't seemed to move so much as a muscle during the program joined in. There were whistles and one "woo-hoo!"
DIALOGUE: "So what did you think of Downton Abbey?" Claire asked."It was fun. It reminded me a little bit of Dallas and Dynasty only with fancier accents, better breeding, and no shoulder pads," Samantha said. "Well, except for on the men."

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