Friday, April 15, 2016

Ponder Post: Three Wishes

Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty is a story about three sisters who are triplets, two identical and one fraternal. In the acknowledgement at the beginning of the book the author  states, "The book Twins: Genes, Environment and the Mystery of Identity (1997) by Lawrence Wright was very helpful to me in understanding the special relationships between triplets." My interest in this book was piqued by this statement and influenced by the fact that I truly enjoyed Liane Moriarty's novel The Husband's Secret (4/10/15 post). So when this book was on the bargain table at Costco I picked it up. That was a mistake.

The characters were zany, in an non-endearing way and their antics were unbelievable. I found the stories of their love lives and relationships boring. I am not even clear as to why the reference to three wishes is in the title. My suspicion is that this book came out in hard cover in 2004 and the paperback was just issued due to the rising appeal of Liane Moriarty. I will be more careful in the future and check the original publication date. I like the author's later works but her early ones were not so great in my opinion. I finished this book, half heartedly, rapidly skimming through it to see if there was a point to it all in the end. There was not.

My three wishes for this book are 
  • I wish I had not spent my money on it
  • I wish I had been more astute about checking the publication date
  • I wish I had not wasted my time finishing it

1 comment:

  1. So what you're saying is... you couldn't put it down? *ducks* seriously - why authors think "quirky" characters are a good substitute for relatable ones, I will never know. Not that I was going to pick up this book, but thanks for the tip to avoid it. Better luck next time.
