Alex Turned 35 on May 26th
Frank and I brought him a token candle to blow out, balanced on a small can of Pringles. Alex loves blowing out candles but he also loves eating Pringles.

St. Denis Home prepares the favorite food of each resident for a feast on his birthday. Alex positively devours the Filipino Lumpia in the foreground and the spaghetti off in the lower left corner. Afterward they also present a traditional fancy celebratory cupcake. Alex's this year had a big "3" and five smaller candles. Sweets are not his thing but those candles... ? They are a big hit. Multiple re-lights are quite common.

Diane Turned 68 on May 26th
After returning from an afternoon with Alex, Frank and I drove home for a small celebration for me. An Ace Hardware Store just opened up down the street from us, replacing the OSH hardware that had been there. Curiously, at the checkout counter they have a freezer chest of deep, deep frozen pies. These pies are chilled so cold that one of them will "burn" your fingers carrying it out to the car and each takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to cook. I had warm peach cobbler for my birthday selection. It was so warm the bottom of the candle melted, too. I also enjoyed some flowers from my friend Vickie.

Other Old Goats on May 26th
To clear out the high grass and bush in the open area behind our home prior to ires season, the city brings in goats to eat their way through it. It tickles me to watch those old goats. I guess it takes one to know one.